Borders and Boundaries in/across Discourses
10-12 July 2024
Poznań, Poland
Adam Mickiewicz University
We are pleased to announce that the next Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD) conference will be organised and hosted by Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.
The conference will take place from 10-12 July 2024.
This will be the 9th CADAAD conference, details of previous conferences can be found here.
This year’s conference theme is Borders and boundaries in/across discourses. With the invasion of Ukraine, Europe has yet again seen people moving across borders in search for security and new life from yet another direction. Around the world, state borders are being fought over and people are more mobile than ever, including war, climate change, poverty, and post-COVID mobility.
The conference theme understands borders in a much broader way, including identity (self/other, us/them), time (past/present), politics (left/right, mainstream/extreme), and society (public/private), as well as borders within and between academic fields (quantitative/qualitative, interdisciplinarity) and those that exist between research and praxis.
To keep up to date follow us on:
X (Twitter): @CADAAD_conf
Instagram: @cadaad2024
Facebook: CADAAD 2024
For information about the Faculty of English: https://anglistyka.amu.edu.pl/en
For information about the university: https://amu.edu.pl/en